Saturday, January 19, 2013

My favourite running motivational posters

Today I’m going to share my most favourite running motivational posters/wallpapers. I have been using some of it as my FB cover photo, twitter background and as laptop’s wallpaper. Running is indeed a solo and boring game. There was a time when I felt so demotivated due to various reasons and decided not to run (and ate instead hehehe – #truestory). I guess the ‘bisikan bukan paranormal’ got the best of me sometimes :( These posters have helped me to get back on my feet numerous times. I downloaded these posters mostly from FB and Google images. Credit goes to the original owner of these posters. Enjoy.

Treadmill? No need. The road is wide open and free for all. But please take all the safety measure kay.
Indeed. Not many can run or perhaps has the urge to run.
Futurama-inspired theme. Please take this with a grain of salt. Entertaining though.
From Hooha. Running is oso endurance wat.
Nice view. Nike never fails when it comes to the publicity department.

Due to page issue, I'll continue this post in part 2. Tungguuuuu....

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